Rob is in Africa.


Armageddon Is Coming...

...and its called "Scott Boyd".

He'll be here in t-minus 2 hours, and then we go immediately to a Halloween party. I'm sure being the fancy pants blogger that he is, he'll upload some high-def streaming video nonsense for you all to enjoy.

I think Scott Boyd and I are about to ruin this town.


  • At 11/02/2007 8:06 AM, Blogger MasterBlaster said…

    Damn...sitting at my desk seems so pointless. Come back and destroy Seattle.

  • At 11/03/2007 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love Scott's blog and he does post great pictures, so really looking forward to his posts as he visits w/ you. I connect from your blog to his everytime I check your blogs.

  • At 11/05/2007 9:18 PM, Blogger Andrew Farris said…

    Hey, Bro:

    Quit gaying it up with Scott and answer your damned phone.


  • At 11/06/2007 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alisoni has to leave another comment here (I just left a different comment on your previous post) because I just found your blog today and I read through it for the first time today and found that you know Mama Shukuru. As I said in my last post I was a volunteer at Ihugo '92 - '94. Ester will remember me-- tell her that Alisoni is married and had a baby boy 4 months ago; his name is Owen... and tell her that I miss her and she can reach me at the old address that she's used in the past. I saw that Shukuru is married. WOW! When I was there, she was just 9 years old!! Salama sana.


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