"How Many Robocops?"
So the other day one of my students asked me the best question I've gotten in class so far- "Mr. Masanja, how many Robocops does America have?" That is awesome. Apparently this kid had just seen the movie, and he thought it was real. This led to a discussion in which I learned that most Tanzanians think that all American movies are real. Yes, Terminator (that's huge here). Yes, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. They think its all real. Learning this, I regretted my first answer to his question, which was that we had five until three of them were destroyed fighting Arnold Schwarzenegger. They completely believed me, and I think that makes me a very bad teacher. I finally succeeded in teaching them about Hollywood, and that its all made up. Maybe I should have left them thinking it was real....
At 5/23/2006 4:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
The correct answer is
"there can be only one!"
Robocop that is because Murphy
killed all the others.
The more you know.
At 5/23/2006 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
That was a very good lie. Remeber my van painting?
"But they joined up with Darth Vader and the T-Rex from Jurassic Park and formed a prog rock group."
Oh, yeah...
At 5/26/2006 10:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
a message from Tazmania to Tanzania
chickens are $2 here.
also, everyone thinks that:
*americans are stupid
*we all come from california
*we get a million tv channels
*the US is one giant city
*eggs are an exceptable topping for pizza
other than that i don't try to ruin their picture of america
and if there really isn't a robocop i don't ever want to return to the states.
At 5/30/2006 2:04 AM,
Rob said…
Lance- Is it possible to even decapitate a robocop? We all know the answer is no, but that is the only way Murphy could get the other robocop powers. Its a conundrum.
Andrew- "They are wailing on guitars with their backs pressed together, Vader's head is thrown back in pure prog-rock exultation. T-Rex's tiny, tiny arms play his electric mandolin at hyper-speed, and then the world explodes."
Hey Sarah whats up? Winston is a good reference point for that end of the spectrum. How many more months do you have in Guatemala?
Bryon- You old rascal. When I told many, many people I was coming to Tanzania, they all said "Oh cool, Australia huh?!" Which is where you are know. Which is why I'm jealous of you. Have fun man. Take at least one crazy risk while you're there...
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