I have a frustrating little story. I was loaned a laptop for use by the headmaster. This laptop was given to him by the parents of the previous volunteer at Ihungo. These parents were unaware that the headmaster doesn't know how to open it, turn it on, and also use it. So for the first month I was here, it sat unused in the computer lab, and I sat staring at it wistfully. Finally I got the gumption to ask the headmaster if I could use it until he wanted it, and he gave me full permission. This was in early February. Flash forward about two months. For awhile now I have been using the laptop to do a number of things, such as to store all my pictures and videos, to write, to listen to music, to keep track of my students' grades and my basketball strategies, a lot of uses... Well, before I left for Mwanza, he asked for it back to begin learning on it. "No problem," I thought, because I had installed separate user accounts for both of us. I became concerned when he called me a few days later when I was out of town, to ask for the password to my account. I asked why he needed it, and he said the "fundi" was installing some new programs. As a side note, I should mention that fundi here is applied to everything from auto mechanics to shoe repairmen to tailors to, oh yeah, computer technicians. This shows the amount of technical knowledge these fellows have right away. So last weekend, the headmaster gave me the laptop back, saying he hoped everything was ok. Well, it wasn't. These fundis have pulled the ultimate coup de grace, and deleted my entire user account. Goodbye, pictures of Zanzibar, Kampala, Morogoro, chicken slaughter, and everything else. The only pictures I have now are those which I've posted on my other page. It was all gone. Everything. (And for those of you who are adept at computers, don't trouble yourselves trying to help, I've tried literally every method of restoration. But thank you.) The headmaster says he gave them explicit instructions to leave my stuff alone, and that they said they had an "accident". Accident?? I told my dad that I want to "accidentally" burn down their store. How does one accidentally delete an entire user account, or even the individual 500 pictures?! Arrrrrggghhh! And perhaps the most frustrating thing of all is that beyond all this happy deletion they've done, they also dropped the laptop, or something like that. There is now a big pink line frozen into the monitor, so its not enjoyable to use it to watch movies anymore either. Its like they did everything they could to ruin all of its uses for me. So yeah, I guess you could say I have a bit of frustration. I told the headmaster that he and I need to go talk to them about the pink line, at the least, this Thursday. Wish me luck and I hope I "accidentally" don't bring gasoline and matches...grrrr.
At 5/02/2006 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dang, man.
Did you at least get your hot pink cowboy shirt?
Mulletfest Aught Six t-shirt design is done.
At 5/02/2006 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Frustration....Dont worry, I still have "Oil Check", and "Write This Down" on my computer.
Just think of those and smile!
At 5/02/2006 10:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
For sure lips, much is lost but at least the uploaded stuff survived. Besides, you've still got your memories. You may be gone, but I still remember you... and those lips. Oh yeah and a game that included a hunk of Havarti. Sweet.
At 5/03/2006 4:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Rob,
Sorry to hear about your little fiasco. I have finally had time to look at your blog...It's very titalating (sp?). Jackie and I are watching the bar right now using our time wisely. I thought you should know that I have a copy of the latest Fire and Ice - did you get to read it yet? Would you like me to send it?
At 5/05/2006 3:06 AM,
Rob said…
Andrew- not yet on the cowboy shirt daddy-o, but it will blow peoples minds.
Davis- you raise a very fine point. do you also have the "best way to eat ice cream"? oil check and write this down are awesome memories.
Shahram- that game was so delicious but overwhelming. havarti does not go down smooth in giant bites. i think you may remember...
Jenelle- thanks for asking about the book, and I'm glad you managed to relieve UW club bar-boredom via this page. My brother already sent me that book, but he sent it the slowest way possible, because he is a miser brother. Hope everything is awesome at the club with our friend Mr. Mike working full time. Yow!
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